Smithsonian COVID-19! How Can I Protect Myself and Others? Guide for Youth


On May 5, 2020 the Smithsonian Science and Education Center, in collaboration with the Inter-Academy Partnership, released a new guide for youth about life during the pandemic entitled “COVID-19! How Can I Protect Myself and Others?” that includes some insights from Center for Health Equity Director Lisa Cooper.

Intended for young people between 8 and 17, the guide helps to explain some of the science behind new behavioral norms that are being promoted to slow the spread of the pandemic.  It answers questions such as “what is social distancing?” and “how does covering our noses and mouths protect people?”. . . and more!  Operating on the principle that “knowledge is power,” the guide seeks to help young people understand both the micro-biology and the social dynamics that have made the COVID-19 pandemic a mysterious and anxiety-inducing event for everyone. 

Dr. Cooper contributes some answers to the more difficult and complicated questions concerning social dynamics and social behaviors during the pandemic, including why some people may choose not to follow some of the new practices (for example, wearing masks), noting that “recommendations guided by science may conflict with people’s cultural beliefs and values.” As Dr. Cooper’s experience and research focuses on how values and beliefs embodied in various social behaviors and institutions impact health issues, her voice is an important and deeply insightful addition to the guide!